November Outing: Webelos Invitational at Bert Adams
Join us for the November Webelos Invitational at Bert Adams Scout Camp! This exciting outing offers Webelos a chance to experience the adventure of Boy Scouting, with activities designed to build skills, teamwork, and confidence. From outdoor challenges to hands-on learning, it’s a perfect opportunity to explore what Scouting has to offer in a fun, supportive environment. Don’t miss this chance to connect with fellow Scouts and create lasting memories at Burt Adams!
Where: Jamison West at Bert Adams Scout Camp
When: Friday, November 15 – Sunday, November 17
We return to Camp Jamison as we welcome Webelos families for a fun camping weekend. There will be fun scout skill competitions and activities as we hold the Troop 143 Olympics. We will also be screening a movie on Saturday night, which is something we haven’t done in a long time!
Please arrive at Johns Creek United Methodist Church no later than 5:30pm on Friday. You should already have eaten dinner. Temperatures will be warm during the day (mid-60’s) but quite chilly at night (low 40’s). Please be sure you are prepared with layers of clothing. This will help you cool down as we compete during the day and stay warm as you sleep at night. For the screening of the movie, you may want to bring a small camp chair.
Current signups are very light. It will be important to have a good turnout so that our Webelos visitors get a good first impression of our Troop. Adult assistance is key too, so please sign up as soon as possible so we can be sure we have appropriate coverage for this event.
PLEASE SIGN UP BY MONDAY (November 4th). The final signup deadline is this Wednesday, November 6th at 9:00pm.
The Scout/Adult Ticket ticket sales has ended!
Event Attendees
Andrew Liu1 tickets
Abhiram Mandli1 tickets
Alex Weston1 tickets
Chase Schechtman1 tickets
Tyreak Burbrink2 tickets
Ian Sands1 tickets
Hunter GRICE1 tickets
Aarav Gupta1 tickets
Ian fung1 tickets
Maximo Mattesich1 tickets
Glyn Dobson1 tickets