April Outing

Join us for an “alternative” camping experience! This is your chance to put your scouting skills to the test by building your own alternative shelter and sleeping under the stars! Not only will you experience the thrill of self-reliance, but you’ll also earn Requirement 8 for the Wilderness Survival merit badge. (Don’t want to sleep in your own shelter? You can still sleep in a tent!) Don’t miss this opportunity to learn valuable skills and connect with nature in a whole new way! Sign up today!

Where: Tugaloo State Park, Lavonia, Georgia

Cost: $26/person

Registration Deadline: Monday, April 15, 8:30pm

Departure: Johns Creek UMC Parking Lot (Northwest corner – enter off Medlock Bridge Rd) Arrive at 5:30pm (eat dinner before); Depart at 6:00pm sharp

Arrival: Johns Creek UMC Parking Lot (Northwest corner – enter off Medlock Bridge Rd) Arrive at approximately 1:00pm


Apr 26 - 28 2024


5:30 pm - 1:00 pm




Tugaloo State Park
1763 Tugaloo State Park Road, Lavonia, GA 30553


Anand BAnka

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