Sea Base 2026 Signup By January 10th, 2025!

Summer 2026 seems like it’s so far away, but it’s time for the troop to make reservations for Sea Base.


If you and/or your parents are interested in participating in a 2026 Sea Base trip, even if you’re just thinking about it, please review the information in this newsletter article carefully.


Now is the time to consider if you’d like to take on the challenge spending a week sailing a boat.


Resources to learn more about Sea Base

●     Recording of the December 10th Troop Informational Meeting

○     Billy Wilder shares his experience in 2024 and Mr. Wilder breaks down the process and projected costs.

●     Slideshow for the December 10th Troop Informational Meeting

●     Sea Base Website


Signup Process

1.    Fill out the Interest Survey NOW. This is only a survey to gauge your interest and help us select the trips itineraries. It does NOT commit you to go to Sea Base. Please go ahead and fill out this survey even if you’re just thinking about going.

2.    Pay the deposit by January 10th, 2025. Paying the deposit is the ONLY way to sign up and guarantee your spot. Deposits must be paid before the troop makes reservations in January.

3.    Sign the troop’s High Adventure Commitment Form. This form will make sure everyone understands the personal and financial commitment they are making. Please return this to Mr. Wilder.

4.    Crews will be assigned in the summer of 2025.

5.    Payment schedule (8-10 payments) will begin in the fall of 2025.


Jan 10 2025


8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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