How to Register your scout with troop 143

Now that you have decided that Troop 143 is where you would like your scout to crossover to, it’s time to register them with the Troop. Follow these steps to complete their registration.

To transfer your scouts membership from another Atlanta Area Council unit

Option 1: Provide your scouts name, BSA ID and Date of Birth to the Committee Chair for Troop 143 ( and the Troop will complete the transfer for you.

Option 2: Complete the steps below or refer to the help article published here.

  1. Log into my.scouting and go to Menu > My Applications > Transfer/Multiple Applications
  2. Select the Transfer option for your scouts registration
  3. For unit type enter Troop, for unit number enter 143 and click search
  4. Select Troop 0143 – Greenleaf Capital Partners and complete the transfer process. If you are up to date on your BSA registration, no fees should be payable.

To transfer your scouts BSA membership from a non Atlanta Area Council unit

Unfortunately it is currently not possible to transfer from a non Atlanta Area Council unit on-line. A paper based form must be completed. Please complete the scout registration form here and provide the completed form to the Troop 143 Committee Chair for processing.

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