Becoming a trained leader at troop 143

When you register your scout with Troop 143 there are some expectations from you as a parent that you will be willing to help with the Troop. From small annual tasks like helping to run Scouting for Food program to more involved positions like becoming an Assistant Scoutmaster. No matter what role you take with the Troop, the scouts and other adults are appreciative of the support and assistance you provide.

One position that is vital to the running on the Troop is the Assistant Scoutmaster position. In this position you will act as a guide for our scouts, teaching scout skills, signing off on requirements, holding scoutmaster conferences and generally interacting with the scouts in person during our weekly meetings and at campouts.

For adults that may be more organizationally inclined and prefer back-office type tasks, there are positions for you too. The Troop Committee which runs all the back office tasks (finance, membership, training etc) would be excited to have you on board.

During a scouts career they will earn many Merit Badges and we also need adults to teach these. Some require on only general skills and can be taught by anyone (example, Family Life) while others require a specific skill set other further training (eg Kayaking).

All of these positions require some specific training to be completed before taking on these roles. See the table below that indicates the various courses that are required for each role. All training, other than Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) is online and can be taken at your leisure. The latest information provided by the BSA for these courses can be found here.

To take these courses, sign in to my.scouting and go to Menu > My Training and select the Scouts BSA program training option. From here you can select the appropriate path that you wish to take.

Once all training is complete, please reach out to the Committee Chair or the Scoutmaster to let them know.

Course Code


Scoutmaster & Assistant Scoutmaster

Troop Committee Member

Troop Committee Chair

Merit Badge Counsellor


Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

SCO 471


SCO 472

Aims & Methods of Scouts BSA

SCO 473

Annual Troop Program Planning

SCO 474

Introduction to Merit Badges

SCO 475

Outdoor Ethics

SCO 476

Outdoor Programs

SCO 477

Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

SCO 478

Patrol Method

SCO 479

Role of the unit Key 3

SCO 480

Roles of Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leaders

SCO 481

Scouting Organization

SCO 482

Troop Committee

SCO 483

Troop Committee Meetings

SCO 484

Troop Meeting

SCO 485

Scouts BSA Uniforms

SCO 486

What is a Merit Badge Counsellor

SCO 530

Journey to Excellence

SCO 800

Hazardous Weather Training

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